Ethnomathematics: Masons and construction processes in Bagua-Amazonas


  • Ronald Omar Estela Urbina Universidad Nacional Intercultural “Fabiola Salazar Leguía” de Bagua, Perú
  • Elisa Contreras Barsallo Universidad César Vallejo, Perú
  • Alcides Raúl Cuti Gutierrez Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo, Perú
  • Juan Percy Mamani Cutipa Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, Perú
  • Carlos Carcausto Quispe Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, Perú
  • Giovanna Guzmán Cáceres Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad del Cuzco, Perú
  • Segundo Leonardo Valdivia Velasquez Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo, Perú
  • Edinson Figueroa Fernández Universidad Nacional Intercultural “Fabiola Salazar Leguía” de Bagua, Perú
  • Luis Miguel Villegas Santamaría Universidad Católica “Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo”, Perú



albañil, cultural, etnográfica, etnomatemática


The objective of this research was to deepen the understanding of ethnomathematics developed by masons in the Amazonian regions of Peru. To this end, the mathematical concepts implicit in the masons' practices were identified and analyzed, as well as to understand the role of culture and the natural environment in the configuration of this knowledge. The type of study was considered ethnographic, and consisted of gathering information through observation. A questionnaire was applied, with the purpose of evidencing the procedures carried out by the masons in the resolution of labor calculations using the fundamental operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) of ethnomathematical origin. In the same way, scientific articles were reviewed. One of the key findings of this research is the integration of mathematical concepts in the labor practice of masons. It was observed how these workers use a wide range of concepts, from geometry to calculus, in the planning and execution of their daily tasks. This integration demonstrated that mathematics is not an abstract concept separated from everyday life, but a practical and tangible tool that is used effectively to solve concrete problems.


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How to Cite

Estela Urbina, R. O., Contreras Barsallo, E., Cuti Gutierrez, A. R., Mamani Cutipa, J. P., Carcausto Quispe, C., Guzmán Cáceres, G., Valdivia Velasquez, S. L., Figueroa Fernández, E., & Villegas Santamaría, L. M. (2024). Ethnomathematics: Masons and construction processes in Bagua-Amazonas. Revista Científica Dékamu Agropec, 5(1), 71–85.

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