Evaluation of sustainability in the process of elaboration of dairy derivatives in the San Salvador de Quishcambal-Assaqui Agricultural Association, Province of Luya, Amazonas Region
Sustainability, dairy, association, ELANEMAbstract
The process of producing dairy products generates a great deal of environmental contamination due to poor practices used during processing, which is why it is essential to know the degree of sustainability of this industry. The present study sought to evaluate the sustainability of the production of dairy products in the San Salvador de Quishcambal-Assaqui Agricultural Association in the town of San Salvador, Province of Luya in the Amazon Region. The ELANEM methodology was used and a survey validated by experts was used, with sustainability indicators and a double-entry matrix. For data processing, the normalization equation was used, in which the value of 1 represents an optimistic situation. The results obtained recorded values for the economic, social and environmental dimensions of 0.64; 0.58 and 0.77, respectively; and an overall sustainability index of 0.66. This reveals that the company's sustainability is stable; however, it is necessary to further strengthen the social aspect, since it is the dimension that has reported the lowest index.
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