Knowledge of medical personnel about health services rights in Florencia, Caquetá 2024




Health rights; euthanasia; voluntary interruption; healthcare personnel; advance directive


This study aims to identify the knowledge of medical personnel regarding health rights related to Advance Directives (DVA), Euthanasia, and Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy. It is a descriptive and cross-sectional study conducted with 79 physicians from the city of Florencia, who anonymously completed an online questionnaire via Google Forms. The survey included questions addressing the three investigated topics. The results show that 31.6% of the respondents are unaware of the existence of Advance Directives, and 67% lack knowledge about the related procedures. Regarding Euthanasia, 32.9% reported having no knowledge, while for Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy (VTP), 78.5% indicated familiarity with the regulations. The findings reveal a significant knowledge gap among medical personnel regarding the protection of health rights. It is concluded that this lack of awareness is partially due to the passive role of healthcare institutions, which fail to adequately train their medical staff and lack direct channels for disseminating state-issued regulations on health matters.


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How to Cite

Romero-Reyes, H. D., & Puerto-Galindo, G. (2024). Knowledge of medical personnel about health services rights in Florencia, Caquetá 2024. Dékau Perú, 2(1), 32–46.


